​​PetScreening™ is a third-party service utilized by property managers to screen Household Pets, validate reasonable accommodation requests for Assistance Animals (Service/Emotional Support/Companion Animals) and confirm every resident understands the pet policies. To facilitate the screening and validation process, PetScreening offers residents two profile types to choose from.

With PetScreening, pet/animal owners create profiles to store their animal records and information in one secure and convenient place. PetScreening makes it easy for pet/animal owners to share their records with not only their housing provider, but also with pet groomers, doggy day cares, dog walkers, pet sitters, vets, pet-friendly hotels, and more.


  • HOUSEHOLD PET:  Residents with household pets must complete an online Pet Profile, with the details of your pet and attest that the information is accurate. 

  • ASSISTANCE ANIMAL:  Residents with Assistance Animals must submit reasonable accommodation requests through PetScreening's HIPAA compliant servers. The requests go through a comprehensive legal review process that adheres to HUD and FHAct guidelines and PetScreening's legal review team. You must include documentation from a medical professional (this includes, but is not limited to, mental health professionals, social workers, or medical doctors). The documentation must affirm the animal owner has a disability and a disability-related need for the animal. PetScreening will contact the medical professional to confirm for validation.

  • NO PET:  Residents without pets/animals may complete a brief online questionnaire and acknowledging our Pet Policy in case residents decide to have a pet during the tenancy. Residents will also formally acknowledge that unauthorized pets are not allowed on the premises.


HOUSEHOLD PET  Profile has an instantaneous turn-around time.

ASSISTANCE ANIMAL averages 24-business hours to be reviewed.  Extended processing times may occur if the medical professional is unresponsive or if additional clarifying information is requested from the animal owner.


All Pet Screenings are FREE.

** When required, Sunbelt Homes will provide a CODE to complete the screening process and bypass the payment section.